Friday, October 29, 2010

Ring King (NES)

Difficulty: ***1/2
Controls: ****
Sound: **1/2
Graphics: ***
Overall: 13 stars out of 20

Have you got what it takes to ascend to the top of the boxing ranks? Or do you think you can take it all in the world title tournament? Put on your gloves and come out swinging, its Ring King from Data East!

The game sports a few different modes for you to play. First and foremost you'll probably want to enter the Training Mode. Create your fighter by spending points in three categories (Power, Speed and Stamina). The game is quite challenging at the start. Your just a low level fighter who will most likely come out with an average win/loss record. But hey that's why its called training! Once you build up your attributes than you can take on the Tournament and Ranking modes.

The controls are responsive and simple. The 'A' button punches and the 'B' button dodges/blocks. Depending where you are situated in the ring you can throw other various punches too. On top of that, the more power your boxer has the more special punches he can throw!

The sound is probably the only real weak point in the game. While the opening music is fun and catchy, once you get in the ring and fight...its pretty boring. The punches sound good and the referee calls for the 10 count even! (Well, as best as can be in an NES game).

Graphically you and your opponents are almost indistinguishable from the next guy. The boxers are not varied in size or shape (unlike in Punch-Out). You face just massive colour swaps of yourself! The balding ref looks cool though, and you get a play-by-play team between rounds. The ring also changes colour depending on which mode you play in (which I like). The various special power punches you can inflict on your foe is really good (sending them flying in the air and out of the ring is so cool!)

Ring King may not be the undisputed champion of boxing games, but its damn close. You may have some difficulty at the beginning stages. But once you upgrade your attributes you'll be fine. You get some different modes to play in (you can even watch a bout or a tournament!). The controls while simple, are easy and responsive. You even get a few different moves depending on the position of your boxer. The music is boring for the most part. The sprites while colourful, are just blatant colour swaps. No variety at all! But moving past that the game is very addictive and is a fun party game. Ring the bell!

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